Thursday, November 6, 2008

Every Black Jimmy Carter Has a Silver Lining

Barack Obama will probably turn out to be the Black Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was elected after a very controversial administration as a liberal, family values, intellectual Democrat. Does this sound familiar? Of course, people soon realized how poorly suited Carter was for the job, but America was stuck with him for four years.

This four-year period was a time of tremendous inflation, rampant liberalism, foreign policy humiliations, and domestic despair. This period of suffering and malaise forced conservative Democrats to look outside of their party for relief. In 1980, Reagan soundly defeated Carter, ushered in one of the greatest times in American history, and created the gold standard of conservatism.

Since Obama is so much like Carter, one must wonder if Obama's administration will also be a tremendous failure. If it is, maybe Obama will pave the way for another great conservative. Right now, the only potential shinning candidate on a hill is Sarah Palin. If she doesn't rise to the occasion, maybe Jeb Bush can grow a beard, change his name to Jeb Shrubbery, and try to make it through the election before people figure out he has some famous relatives. Beyond that, it will have to be Joe the Plumber, Ted Nugent, or some sort of reanimated Thomas Jefferson zombie. (Great conservatives are hard to come by these days.)

The point is we had to suffer through four years of Carter to get eight years of Reagan and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Maybe Obama will wake up America (a nation which has been asleep since the fall of Baghdad), and we will get to see another great eight years and the fall of the Chinese Communist government and the Soviet Union II, which will probably be established by Vladimir Putin just after Obama takes the oath of office in January.

"Mr. Putin, tear down that wall again."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fashion by Marx

(AFP/Emmanuel Dunand)

Marcus Marx was one of the early owners of Hart Schaffner & Marx (Hartmarx). This is the company who designed Obama’s Election Day victory speech suit. Do not miss the irony that our new Socialist President was dressed by a Marx the day he was elected.

America’s Second Black President

Congratulations to America for electing its second Black President. This honor was first earned by President Bill Clinton, who was elected in 1992. The honorable title was later awarded to President Clinton by, prominent Black author, Toni Morrison in the October 1998 issue of The New Yorker. For the last ten years, the phrase has been repeated over and over and has become one of Bill Clinton’s greatest accomplishments and legacies. Not to be outdone, Barack Obama has now followed in the footsteps of the great Black pioneer from Arkansas. Congratulations, Barack Obama, for becoming America’s second Black President. This is another great moment in history.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Black Panthers Intimidating Voters in Philadelphia

Reportedly, two Black Panthers were standing at the entrance of a polling place in Philadelphia and intimidating voters this morning. According to eyewitnesses, one of the Black Panthers was brandishing a nightstick.

By the time Fox News arrived on the scene, police had already come and gone. The Blank Panther with the nightstick had been escorted away by police; however, the other Black Panther was still present near the curb in front of the polling place.

Click here to see the original video.

Click here to see video of the police confrontation.

Click here to see the video from Fox News.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Barack Obama Wants to Bankrupt New Coal Power Plants

According to the West Virginia Record, Barack Obama wants to create an environment that would make the establishment of new coal power plants nearly impossible. Obama wants to set up a system that would send a new coal power plant straight into bankruptcy. Essentially, he wants to make new coal plant construction and operation infeasible.

Click here to hear the audio of Obama's own words.